Just a Couple Random Notes…

John HurlbutFlying, Personal GrowthLeave a Comment

Personal – I weighed 275.7 pounds this morning.  That officially puts me lower than the lowest I got after lap band surgery.  It also means that when I walk into my office on Monday morning, no one there has ever seen me this “thin”.  The next milestone to fall will be when I hit 266 pounds.  That was the lowest my weight was in 2002 after a few months and losing 50+ pounds on Weight Watchers.  When I hit 265 and change, it’s a good bet that no one in the past 18ish years has sen me at that weight?  I think I was around 270 in 1997 when Teri & I started dating.  There was a lot of working out then, but I don’t think there was much weight lost at that time.

I have 12 or so weeks to go on 3010 Weight Loss For Life.  If I can average 4 lbs per week, that would put me in the 220’s!!! I graduated high school in 1988 at 210 lbs.  That would put my weight back to the early 90’s for me.  Even if I lose an average of 3 lbs per week from here to the finish, and end up under 250 I’ll be totally stoked.

Flying – I just finished planning a flight from KPLU (Thun Field) to KAWO (Arlington) .  It’ll be my 2nd Cross Country flight and should add about 2.0 hours to my logbook.  I still haven’t soloed, but my medical certificate should be here any day now.  So I’m hopeful by the end of July I’ll be flying on my own.  This flight tomorrow has me slightly nervous.  My wife, Teri, is going along with Meg and I for my flight lesson.  I’ve planned as much as I can tonight, tomorrow I’ll get the weather briefing to finish the plan.  We’ll get to the airport around 8:15 for a planned 9AM departure.  Each leg of the flight should be just under an hour with maybe a half hour stop in Arlington.  My first passenger.  Scary!

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