Livin’ La Vida Low Carb…

John HurlbutUncategorizedLeave a Comment

As I’ve mentioned before, Teri and I are doing 3010 Weight Loss For Life.  It’s basically a low carb diet designed to shed weight quickly.  Well, it’s working.  So far about 5 weeks in, I’m down 35 pounds and Teri is down about 20.  We’re really trying to look at this as a lifestyle change. I’ve calculated it out and it seems as though we’re getting less than 30 grams of Carbohydrates per day.  That’s crazy low.  Contrast that to my previously standard Jack in The Box breakfast that calculated out to well over 100 grams of carbs and you can see why it was tough for me to lose weight.  I used to have for breakfast, more carbs than I eat in a day now!!

Now this diet is also low calorie, so the combo of low carb, low calorie, is certainly a powerful combination that is yielding great results for us.  But we know that this isn’t a lifestyle we can sustain forever.  Mostly because we don’t want to be going to 3010 every week just to pick up food.  So now as we go to shop for our veggies each week, we’re paying attention to the stuff we used to eat, particularly the carbohydrate content of everything.  It’s amazing how much sugar companies put into their products just to get you to like eating them.  I’m pretty convinced now there is nothing good to be had in the middle of a grocery store.

Boathouse 19, University Place, WA

Boathouse 19, University Place, WA

For the past year I’ve been researching Paleo, but haven’t been able to find the courage to start eating/living that way.  Well honestly after we’re done with this super restrictive portion of our new lifestyle, Paleo is going to feel like a treat.  Yesterday I had lunch with a client and we ended up at Boathouse 19.  I scoured the menu and other than a side salad, didn’t see anything I could really have with 3010.  But they did have a spinach salad that came with some wild salmon, a hard boiled egg and a honey mustard dressing.  Normally on 3010 you’re not allowed to have protein that they don’t give you (bar or soup) for lunch.  So what I did was take out the protein shakes I was to have for snacks later that day and ate the salmon and egg.  I had oil and vinegar on the side for dressing and you know what?  It was delicious.

I’ve always felt with my job, that there wasn’t any choice BUT to go to Fast Food for lunch.  I’ve been learning that Subway chopped salads are filling, nutritious, and super low calorie.  I’ve not had a coke for 6 weeks now, which is approaching a record.  I haven’t had any alcohol in that time either.  Not that alcohol has ever been a very big part of my life, but it IS nice to have a drink now and again.  I think the biggest and best thing I’m getting out of 3010, besides a quick drop in pounds, is the fact that I committed to 18 weeks of it and it’s so expensive, I don’t want to cheat.  But during those 4.5 months, I’m REALLY learning how to make good decisions with my food.

Now this isn’t to say that I will never have a big bowl of pasta and cream sauce again, I just won’t be doing it 3 times a week.  It’s not that I won’t ever go to Jack In The Box for breakfast, I just won’t do it EVERY DAY, and I probably won’t go even once per week.  I certainly will NEVER have 3 HUGE Cokes in one day again.  I really am hopeful that I’m done with Coke forever.

If my weight loss continues for the next 12 weeks or so, I should be down another 50-60 lbs.  I’m hopeful for 35+ more.  Then it will be just maintaining or continuing to lose on my terms.  And I think this time I may have actually learned how my body functions and what I should be eating and how much of it.  Only time will tell, but I’ve not been this encouraged about my health in a long time.

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